천사, 요정의 영적 지혜(Inspirational Wisdom from Angels & Fairies)한글 해석- Autumn ballet카드 해설서 (오라클)/Inspirational Wisdom( 천사와 요정의 영적지혜) 2023. 7. 5. 20:37
"Autumn Leaves mean change is due. It will be exciting, but only if you allow it to happen." 낙엽은 변화의 기간이라는 것을 의미합니다. 신나는 일이 될 거에요, 당신이 변화를 허락한다면요. 5. AUTUMN BALLET When anxious thoughts shower down on you like autumn leaves they can drain your energy and leave you feeling sad and unfulfilled. Realize that a change is due, but only if you allow it to happen If you are held back by upsets it will ..